Rock Solid


“Rock Solid”
by Isaac
February 16th, 2022

Greetings friends,

I know I blitzed you with a ton of information and perspectives in my last newsletter a week ago, so there’s not much I can add to the detail around the USA Pluto Return coming up this Sunday, or much else that is of an astrological nature. You, my Dear Reader, are probably breathing a sigh of relief. Good.

I use to compose my articles the day after a night of unusual dreams. Downloads as it were. That hasn’t happened in a long time, the leftover impressions from the dreamtime spilling over into a blog, but it happened this morning in the early hours. I received a message, or impressions, about what the needed to be most said through me in this blog.

Here goes…

No matter what is or isn’t happening in the world right now, you and I and all of Creation is loved beyond belief. No matter what is or isn’t happening in your life right now, you are loved beyond belief. No matter what will happen or won’t happen, it does not matter…we are loved beyond belief. No matter what, we are that Love, and we emerged from that Love by choice-desire-curiosity.

None of us are an “accident” of the Universe, nor are you and I here because of some whim of The Fates. We have purpose in our Be-ing…even when we don’t feel like we’re fulfilling our believed or adopted purpose. Sometimes our egos hijack our purpose, or distort it, or diminish it. The rock-solid truth you can always rely on is that, in the end, the truth if this: you are Love/Loved beyond belief.

And no matter who you are, and even though you may feel alone at times, no one is alone…ever.

Now some of what I relate here will already be familiar to most of you, and you’ve heard it all before. If so, that’s great! However, I must honestly say that almost everyone I speak with these days is dealing with something challenging. The continuing agenda of separating humanity into two classes of people still ripples throughout the collective experience. We all know this is instinctively “wrong” but most figure there’s nothing one can do about it. Perhaps we are so wrapped up on keeping up with our own life and it’s complexities, focusing only on our own personal triumphs or tragedies. Nonetheless, this divisiveness is useful, in one sense. It awakens us to our own inner duplicities or divisions and can help us realize that this artifice we call our “civilization” or “culture” is unsustainable and running in place to fit into its imposed agenda is a zero-sum game.

Existentially speaking, it is all unsustainable. Fearing the unknown, we cling to the past masquerading as the present and hope that we’ll get to the “new normal” somehow. What I didn’t see or understand until late last week is how much of what we call “our experience” is imposed on our lives without our consent, so much so that the plans we make, the dreams we hold about what we want in our own soul’s experience takes a back seat within this “matrix” of sorts.

Is God/Goddess doing that? Well, trick question. Since we are inextricably part of God/Goddess, I reckon we all bear some responsibility, as we allow whatever this is to continue.  Some of us are acquiescing to the illusion and some are going “what a minute…that doesn’t feel right or good to me!” Remember, no matter what’s happening, somehow and at some point in the future it will all work out for the best.  You are always at choice in what you will or will not participate with. With what has happened and is happening, you have a choice in how you relate to it, and what you will or will not allow to continue in your experience.

We are infinite and eternal. Nothing is imposed without some level of tacit permission given…by you or me. Even if we don’t want this or that challenge in our lives to be occurring, it is there for a reason. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be there! Karmic or not, it is what it is. What is unfolding, including the so-called darkness and chaos, is part of the awakening/remembering/maturing process, and we are sharing in all of it.

We set up the tenpins so we can knock them down. The Universe suggests that we just don’t make a habit out of it. Then it turns into what we call “our karma”. Unconscious repetition isn’t evolution! Through it all we are still Love/Loved beyond belief.
The atmosphere is filling up with more uncertainties, chugging along in our peripheral vision, and/or intruding into our daily activities. As the old scripture says, “Fear not. Even if the mountains should slide into the sea, I Am with you, always.” That message is Love reminding us again that we…are…never…alone. There is nothing that is inherently within us, that doesn’t want to help.

True mastery doesn’t mean standing as a lone entity in the entirely of Creation, impervious and totally transpersonal. It also includes embracing all that is, and still not falling into forgetfulness of Who We Are beyond all form or circumstance. That is what being “rock solid” is, and that is what Spirit is…rock solid, always there…and everywhere. No judging, no punishments, no force or coercion, no dogma, or rules. Just Love, being Love.

Rock solid baby!

Blessings on your journey,

I am available again and accepting bookings for spiritual and astrological mentoring. If you have been looking for guidance or answers in these uncertain times, then perhaps a short consultation about your needs would be helpful. To get in touch for a free 30-minute Discovery call, please email me directly at For information about my services please just click here.

On the next episode of “Revealing the Mysteries” which
airs this coming Sunday, February 20th, 2022

Show Synopsis: It is here…the main event of 2022. An elevated point of view and feeling fully grounded will be essential to fully comprehend how massive the changes ahead will be. I cannot predict exactly what the initiation or outcome of any event that manifests from the potent and irresistible force of the Pluto Return in the USA Natal Chart will be. I do sense that as with anything Plutonic it will be intense, and long-lasting. Since this celestial event is focused on the 2nd House of America’s birth chart, the emphasis will be on the theme of security and power, or lack thereof. It will center on money, currencies (fiat, digital and crypto), housing, food, farming, stocks, bonds, equities, futures, real estate, trading, and fertility. Also thrown into the mix will be secrets becoming known, revelations of official frauds and Ponzi schemes, and anything or everything having to do with the old control and power-over game. However, that will only be possible by renouncing that game and allow it to fade into the mists of time. Time for new beginnings.

Showtime is 5:30pm GMT, 12:30pm EDT, and 9:30am PDT.
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